

Jobs allow Spacedrive to complete a body of work; a built-in multi-threaded task management system.

Jobs can be paused, resumed, and canceled. Spacedrive will always try to restart jobs that were cut off by a restart or shutdown of Spacedrive.

A small indicator shows in the bottom left when a job is running. Clicking it will reveal the job manager.

Types of job

NameJob Manager captionPurpose
Indexer"Indexing files"Discover file paths within a location and write them to the library database.
FileIdentifier"Extracting metadata"Extract filesystem metadata, generating unique identifier (cas_id) and categorize the file.
Media Processor"Processing media" or "Generating thumbnails"Generate thumbnails media for photos and videos and extract EXIF metadata.
Labeler"Labeling files"Assign labels using the currenly loaded object detection AI model, by default is YOLO.
Object Validator"Validating files"Generate a full checksum from all bytes present in the file, unlike the cas_id approach which is partial.
FileCutter"Cutting X files"Cut or "move" files.
FileCopier"Copying X files"Copy files.
FileEraser"Erasing X files"Permanently erase a file
LocationCleaner"Removing Location"Cleans up all data related to a location on delete.

Job Manager

The job manager allows you to see current jobs, expand them to see various child jobs. Jobs with only one child, such as copying a single file, will not be expandable by clicking.

Job history can be cleared by hitting the small trash icon on the job manager, this will not remove any ongoing jobs.

Up to 3 jobs can run simultaneously, although this may be configurable in the future. More CPU-intensive jobs like thumbnailing and labelling have an upper limit for CPU usage set in the General settings page.